Data on Demand is OpenBlend’s reporting feature, powered by Microsoft PowerBI. Data on Demand enables you to analyse your business’s live OpenBlend data.

Talking Points

This section of Data on Demand gives you visibility on the Talking Points that have been added prior to sessions, and those which have been discussed in sessions. 

Talking Points Usage Stats

This table shows you the statistics for your employees using Talking Points to help structure their 1:1 sessions in OpenBlend. 

  • Total Talking Points added
    Shows the total number of Talking points that have been added to employee sessions by themselves or their managers
    For example, 1,914 Talking Points have been added in 2021

  • Average added per employee
    Shows the average number of Talking Points added by employees. Calculated by dividing the total number of Talking Points added by the total number of employees who use Talking Points (Employees added).
    For example, on average in 2021, employees added 2.9 Talking Points each.

  • Average added per session
    Shows the average number of Talking Points added by employees. Calculated by dividing the total number of Talking Points added by the total number of employees who use Talking Points (Employees added).
    For example, on average in 2021, employees added 2.9 Talking Points each.

  • Employees added
    Shows the number of employees who have used Talking Points
    For example, 658 employees added Talking Points in 2021

  • Percentage of all employees
    Shows the percentage of all employees using Talking Points. Calculated by dividing the employees adding Talking Points (Employees added) by the total number of employees in OpenBlend.
    For example, in 2021, 75% employees added Talking Points, to create a session agenda. 

Talking Points by Category

Shows the types of Talking Points employees are adding to their session, Actions, Blend, Custom Talking Points, Wellbeing, Objectives, Feedback, etc; so you can see what is being discussed. 

Talking Points Discussed 

  • Total discussed
    The total number of Talking Points discussed, in the time frame selected.

  • Average discussed per employee
    Shows the average number of Talking Points discussed by employees. Calculated by dividing the total number of Talking Points added by the total number of employees who use Talking Points (Employees added).
    For example, on average in 2021, employees added 2.9 Talking Points each.

  • Average discussed per session
    Shows the average number of Talking Points added by employees. Calculated by dividing the total number of Talking Points added by the total number of employees who use Talking Points (Employees added).
    For example, on average in 2021, employees added 2.9 Talking Points each.

  • Employees discussed
    Shows the number of employees who have used Talking Points
    For example, 658 employees added Talking Points in 2021

  • Percentage of all employees
    Shows the percentage of all employees using Talking Points. Calculated by dividing the employees adding Talking Points (Employees added) by the total number of employees in OpenBlend.
    For example, in 2021, 75% employees added Talking Points, to create a session agenda.

Shows a pie chart, comparing the total number of Talking Points that have been added, vs the total number of Talking Points that have been discussed. 

For example, only 473 of 1,914 Talking Points were clicked through to the discussion section inside a session. 

Note: For a Talking Point to display as 'Discussed' the employee must click on the discuss button on the Talking Point within the session.

Blend Drivers Selected as Talking Points

A data table showing each of the Blend Drivers that have been added as Talking Points and how many times employees have added each. 

For example, Clear Career Goals & Direction was added as a Talking Point 27 times, in 2021. 

Talking Points Added by Category

A bar chart showing the number of times an employee has added the different types of Talking Points that have been added over a period of time. 

For example, Objectives was added as a Talking Point 477 times in Q4 2021

You can drill up and down into this data to see the data by days, months, quarters and years. 

Learn more about drilling into the data here. 

Custom Talking Point Themes

A word cloud of themes from the Custom Talking Points added by employees.

You can view the Custom Talking Points by clicking on the '...' icon, when hovering over the section and select "Show as a table". This will give you a larger word cloud and a table of all the Custom Talking Points that have been created, as an aggregate view.