Data on Demand is OpenBlend’s reporting feature, powered by Microsoft PowerBI. Data on Demand enables you to analyse your business’s live OpenBlend data.

Usage by Office Location

This section of Data on Demand gives you visibility on the sessions completed by each Office Location

You can learn more about Business Areas here

On this page, there is a colour coded system, to help you easily identify the usage levels for sessions and log-ins.

Colour Key:

GREEN = 76%-100%

YELLOW = 51% - 75%

RED = 0% - 50%

Session usage by Office Location

This table shows: 

  • Office Location
  • Team size (# of employees)
  • % employees logged in
  • # employees logged in
  • Total Log-ins
  • Team sessions completed (% of employees)
  • % employees had sessions
  • # employees had sessions
  • Total sessions (Total number of sessions for all employees)

In this view you are able to drill down into the data, to view the data by office locations, managers or manager and employees. Learn more about drilling into your data here.

For example, the London Office Location completed 95% of employee sessions in 2021. London is a team of 22 employees who completed 140 sessions in total, throughout the year. 

You can see that 21 of 22 employees had a session in 2021, meaning 1 employee did not use OpenBlend for their 1:1 sessions. 

For example, the London Office Location is a team of 22 employees. 

Keep an eye out for "Blank" or "Unassigned" categories in this section of Data on Demand, as this will mean that your data is not up to date, and will affect the accuracy of the data.