Data on Demand is OpenBlend’s reporting feature, powered by Microsoft PowerBI. Data on Demand enables you to analyse your business’s live OpenBlend data.
Current Blend Drivers
This section of Data on Demand gives you an overall visibility on your current Blend Drivers.
Current most popular Blend Drivers
Shows a pie chart of your current top 10 Blend Drivers and the number of employees who have selected the Driver in their Blend.
Drivers doing well
Displays your top 3 Blend Drivers, with the smallest average Blend Gap (the gap between the current score and target score).
Drivers needing support
Displays your bottom 3 Blend Drivers, with the largest average Blend Gap (the gap between the current score and target score).
Current Blend Summary
Shows you the average scores across all of the Blend Drivers, or the average of those selected within the Select Blend Drivers drop down. The data shown includes:
- Average Current Score
Calculated by averaging all of the current scores across all Blend Drivers - Average Target Score
Calculated by averaging all of the target scores across all Blend Drivers - Average Gap
Calculated from the gap between your average current score and average current score, to give you your overall Blend Gap. - Average number of Drivers per employee
Shows the Average number of Blend Drivers that your employees have selected in their profile.
Average scores of all current employee Blend Drivers
This section gives you a complete overview of all of your Blend Drivers and the current score, target score and the number of employees who have selected the Driver within their Blend. Hover on the bar to see the number of employees who have selected the Blend Driver.
You can also reorder the graph to show the data by:
- Blend Driver
- Average Current Score
- Average Target Score
- Average gap
- Number of employees
Select Blend Driver
This drop down allows you to select specific Blend Drivers, so that you can look at the defined data. You can select multiple Blend Drivers at a time from this dropdown.
Top Tip! This is great for reporting back to the business on priority Blend Drivers for your business. For example, if your internal Success Metrics include ensuring that Clear career goals and direction, My development and Flexible working do not drop below a 25% Blend Gap, you can filter the report to show these within this layout.