Notes are available within the Activity Feed and can be used to record bits of information from both inside and outside of a session. The content of Notes are auto-saved and the Note history is also saved.
Creating a new note
When you log-in to OpenBlend you will see the "+ Add New" button on the top navigation, within the My Profile, My Team sections of OpenBlend or within a session. This button allows you to:
- Add To-Do / Add Action
- Add Note
- Add Objective
To create a new Note, click on the "Add Note" option in the dropdown.
When you create a new Note, a moveable, re-sizeable pop-up window will appear.
In Session
When in a session, only one note is allowed to be created between the two session participants. These will be marked as "Session Notes" in the activity feed and will not be editable, once the session has ended.
When in a session, you can add a new Note by clicking on the "+ Add New" button in the top navigation bar. From here you can create a new session note, or edit the current session notes, as shown in the screenshot below.
When you create a new Note, a moveable, re-sizeable pop-up window will appear, within your session window.
Once you have created a new Note in a session, you can also edit a note within a session by clicking on the "+ Add New" button and selecting "Edit Session Notes".
Once your session ends, you will be able to view your session notes within the Activity Feed. Session notes are not editable once your session ends.
Session Notes help remind you of things you talked about in the session. They cant be "Discussed" like other items, but they help keep track of points brought up during the session for which other OpenBlend items like actions and objectives are not appropriate.
Session notes can only be accessed by you and your direct manager and only available inside the OpenBlend platform.
As an Employee
All notes that are created will be saved in the Activity Feed. From the Activity feed you are then able to edit your note at any time. Please note, that only the latest version of the note for that day will be displayed.
Managers can view your Notes from their Team Dashboard; however, only your direct line manager can view the notes you add. These notes are not visible to any other employee or manager
Outside of a session, your Manager can navigate to your OpenBlend profile via their Team Dashboard and add notes specific to you, these can then be discussed during your next 1-2-1 session.
As a Manager
Outside of a session with your employees, you can select the recipient of the Note, that you are creating, from the dropdown list in the "Add New" menu.
A manager can create a Note for themselves within the My Profile section of OpenBlend, or for anyone within their direct reports using the dropdown in the "+ Add New" button and selecting the member of the team you wish to add the Note for.
Any Notes made on behalf of a leader's direct report, will be saved in their Activity Feed, and will not be available in the leader’s Activity Feed.
A manager can access the Activity Feed of any of their direct reports, via the "My Team" section of OpenBlend.
From your direct report's Activity feed, within the My Team area, you are then able to edit your note at any time. Please note, that only the latest version of the note, for that day, will be displayed.
Note: There are not metrics or tracking for Session Notes in Data on Demand (as there are for Actions, Priorities etc).