Feedback is an optional feature; your business may not have it switched on
Feedback is designed to develop even greater value in manager and employee conversations
By implementing Feedback, either during or out of a session, you have the opportunity to request and share information to:
- recognise success
- identify opportunities for development
- enable support for great performance
Feedback fuels rich conversations, improves performance and brings opportunities for on-going learning. By selecting
Feedback, you have the option to request, share and discuss specific Feedback at any time.
Feedback will appear on your summary page, showing you updates on your received and given Feedback.
Note: 'Feedback cultures are where we feel psychologically safe and perform at our best'
When in OpenBlend, navigate to the Feedback area of your Profile. You will land directly on your Feedback page where you can see Received and Given tabs.
Received Feedback
Received Feedback allows you to view responses as soon as they are sent by your peers or manager. This is clearly highlighted as new and can be viewed under your received tab.
By clicking the 3 dots on your right, you are able to view your selected received Feedback. When in a session this is the opportunity to discuss any received Feedback that you have chosen to view.
Given Feedback
The Given tab allows you to view a list of all your Feedback requests.
There are different statuses associated to the Given tab to help you when sharing and giving Feedback:
- Pending - when feedback request is not yet sent and hasn't passed due date
- Overdue - when feedback request is not sent and has passed 60 days from the due date
- Missed - when feedback request is not sent and has passed 60 days from the due date
If your status is missed you are unable to submit any Feedback, this will remain in your list as missed. In order to respond to this specific Feedback, the requestor will be required to request this Feedback again.
When giving Feedback you will be asked the following 'what has (name) done well?' and 'where does (name) need support?' You are able to to save your responses as drafts until you are ready to send your responses to your peers or manager - this will then change from start to continue.
This allows you to review your Feedback and implement the GROW coaching framework, to facilitate deeper value conversations.
Once you have sent your Feedback you are then able to view any given Feedback.
Request Feedback
Request Feedback gives you the option to ask for more specific Feedback from your manager or peers.
By clicking request Feedback you are able to give your Feedback a title with the option to add more context via the Feedback details.
When requesting Feedback you will be asked to the complete the following fields:
- Summary - short summary of your Feedback (up-to 100 characters)
- Details (optional) - more in-depth context to receive more relevant Feedback (up-to 1024 characters)
- Due Date - Feedback due date, respondent will receive a reminder 72 hours before your due date
- Respondents - requested respondents (Feedback is not anonymous)
Note: You can search specific Feedback by including sender's name or the title of your chosen Feedback.
You can also request Feedback about yourself, by simply typing your name in the respondents field. This encourages motivation and self-improvement.
Discussing Feedback
Discussing Feedback in a session develops trust and brings opportunities for recognition.
When in a session you have the opportunity to discuss Feedback. This area is all supported with GROW to share constructive Feedback. These coaching frameworks are designed to provide constructive Feedback and increase motivation through recognition.
If you have Talking Points enabled.
You may wish to include Feedback to your Talking Points area. By simply clicking on Talking Points from your navigation menu, a panel will appear from the right, displaying areas of OpenBlend to choose from. Use the arrows to expand the options and select your specific Talking Points. For Feedback, you can select one of your Feedback titles to then discuss in your next session.
When you begin a session you will land directly on your Talking Points agenda. This gives you the opportunity to discuss any Feedback at the beginning of your session with your manager or employee.
Manager's View
Manager's are able to view Team Feedback under their team dashboard. Once logged in to OpenBlend simply click on view team dashboard and navigate to Feedback to view all team's Feedback.
A Manager can request Feedback from their Team in this area.
Emails and Reminders
When Feedback is requested an automated email is sent to the selected respondent or respondents. This will include an overview of the requested Feedback including coaching support on how to respond.
Note: Respondents will see an alert on the welcome screen of OpenBlend. They'll also receive an email notification.
A Feedback reminder is sent 72 hours before the due date, this encourages the respondent(s) to send their requested Feedback before this is missed.
As soon as the requested respondent has sent the Feedback, a 'View Feedback' email is sent to the requestor.
Our approach to Feedback is simple; request Feedback at any time, gain insights into areas of success as as well detect where support is needed.