High Fives is optional feature; your business may not have switched on
High Fives can be renamed to a word of your choice, your business may have renamed this area to Shout outs or Kudos to fit within your organisation.
With the new High Fives feedback functionality you can create a buzz of recognition and appreciation in your organisation.
When did you last say 'thank you' or 'great job?' Don't we all need more positive recognition and appreciation? With the new High fives feedback functionality in OpenBlend you have the opportunity to thank and value each other even more.
If you want to strengthen your feedback culture, High fives are a great way to do it. They get everyone:
- Engaging with recognising effort and contribution of each other
- In a mindset of thanking and appreciating each other
- Involved as a wider, dispersed team, united in tracking achievements against common goal
Our new High fives feature allows you to send one-off unprompted feedback to your peers to highlight success and contribution of each other. Anyone can send a High five to recognise something and someone great!
Using High Fives
High Fives will appear on your summary page, showing you updates on your received High fives tab!
When in OpenBlend, navigate to the High fives area of your Profile. You will land directly on your High fives page where you can see Received and Given tabs.
Note: Both received and given feedback is recorded in OpenBlend for easy reference in manager-employee conversations.
You are able to view all received High fives from any peer in your organisation. High fives are displayed by newest first, any new High fives that have not been seen will be marked as New until viewed.
Anyone can send a High five to recognise something and someone great. The Given tab allows you to view all given High fives, you are able to give a High five using the button displayed Give High five in the right-hand corner.
Giving a High five is easy. A text box appears to include your unique message, you can enter up to 500 characters. Your High five can include a range of emoticons to make your message even more special. You have the opportunity to give yourself a High five, to recognise a success or achievement that you would like to discuss or be acknowledged within your next session.
You also have the opportunity too add High fives to your Talking Points. By adding High fives to your Talking Points these can be discussed in your next session or with your team. While in a session, Mangers have the chance to view their team's given and received High fives. During a session you're able to give your team member(s) or Leader a High five - perfect time to recognise and track achievements.
You will receive an email notification when someone from your organisation sends you a High five. You are able to access your High five by clicking on the link within your email notification. A High five widget is also visible on your Summary page, this will show a tally total of received High fives, a notification for any unseen High fives and a button to give a High five.
Manager View
Note: A manager can see all High fives by their team in the Hight-fives section of the team Dashboard.
When in OpenBlend navigate to team dashboard, by clicking on High fives you are able see a table of your team member(s) and a count of all their received High fives. Clicking on view all button next to a given team member displays a list of that team members received High fives in a received list view.
Received High fives can be shown as part of the snapshot view for Evaluate. By clicking on the High fives widget in the Evaluate area you are able to view your team's High fives.
Engage the power of recognition and appreciation in your organisation!