Product News! 

OpenBlend Notifications has received some new changes to help you keep track on updates & changes you and your Manager make in OpenBlend!  

We are excited to share our next update...


Note: Notifications will be on by default but can be turned off by accessing your Initials Menu > Notification settings.

OpenBlend are delighted to share our new Notifications Settings page. 

You now have the opportunity to receive notifications on some actions and updates you make in OpenBlend. These notifications can now be disabled, via our new Notifications Settings Page.

Users will now receive a notification for the following selected actions in OpenBlend: 

  • Talents will be notified when their Leader's creates, closes, edits, updates progress on, or deletes one of their teams' Objectives outside of a session
  • Leaders will also be notified when one of their team members creates, closes, edits, updates progress on, or deletes one of their own Objectives outside of a session
  • Users will receive a notification 20 minutes before their next session - this notification is automatically turned off by default for emails, you have the choice to turn this on via the Notifications Settings page. 

You have the opportunity to turn on email notifications for these updates via our new Notifications Settings Page. 

Note: Users are now able to close and delete their own Personal Objectives outside of a session.

Notification Settings 

Please navigate to your initials in the top-right hand corner of your screens. Simply click Notification Settings tab and the following page will be displayed. 

Here you have the opportunity to keep notifications turned on or the opportunity to turn these off by simply un-ticking the select boxes and clicking Save Changes once completed.

Here you have the opportunity to keep notifications turned on or the opportunity to turn these off by simply un-ticking the selected boxes and clicking Save Changes once completed.

Note: Please know there are some other emails that users will receive from OpenBlend, for example if a user changes their Leader they will be notified.  

Microsoft Teams Integration BETA

We are currently running a limited BETA programme for our new integration with Microsoft Teams.

Our integration with Microsoft Teams will allow your employees to:

  • Receive a notification for each High Five
  • Receive a notification 20 minutes before their next Session
  • And see any changes you and your Leader make to your Objectives 

If you are interested in joining the BETA, please contact your dedicated Customer Success Manager