Data on Demand report(s) updated:
- Data on Demand LIVE Release date: 21/09/2021
What's been updated?
- Graph displays the number of users who are assigned to each role in OpenBlend. You can use the graph to filter the table below by clicking on one of Roles on the graph
- Role column has been added to the table displaying all roles assigned to each user
- Talking Points and High Fives activity have been added to Activity: Profile and Activity: Session pages
- Data on OpenBlend’s performance feature, ‘Objectives’ is now split across 4 pages:
- Objectives: Summary– A summary view of all objectives added to date
- Usage stats
- Metric types including new Milestones data
- Hierarchy type (Company, Team, Employee)
- New Objectives created over time
- Table with name/emails of employees with no objectives
- Objectives: Open (Employee objectives) - A dashboard summarising details of Open employee objectives
- Usage for Open Objectives
- Tagged Open Objectives
- On track/behind schedule status•Number Overdue
- Open objectives updated over time•Open objectives discussed over time (using GROW)
- Table of Open objectives details by job function, manager, employee
- Objectives: Closed (Employee objectives) – A dashboard summarising details of Closed employee objectives•Usage for Closed Objectives
- Tagged Closed Objectives
- Achieved/Exceeded/Not achieved status (calculated from target)
- Hierarchy Alignment
- Objectives closed over time
- Bespoke closing score
- Table of Closed objectives details by job function, manager, employee
- Objectives: History – Open and Closed Objectives are now displayed on one page, and you can export from same table. Filters now available for Status (Open/Closed) and Hierarchy type (company, team, employee)
- Objective count
- Company-aligned Objectives
- Table displaying list of all objectives with current and target value
- Objectives: Summary– A summary view of all objectives added to date
Note: Individual progress records have been removed from this table for a simplified view. In the platform, direct managers still have visibility of individual objective progress for each team member via Team > Priorities and Admins can now view progress history of any Aligned objectives in the business by navigating to Company Objectives > Details > View Details
*OpenBlend's features are customisable; feature names may be renamed for your business. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact your Customer Success Manager or helpdesk@openblend.com