Data on Demand is OpenBlend’s reporting feature, powered by Microsoft PowerBI. Data on Demand enables you to analyse your business’s live OpenBlend data.
Number of users by assigned role(s) in OpenBlend
Shows a bar chart of the number of users with the defined roles.
People Data Table
A summary of details about employees added to the system including:
- Employee Name
- Roles
- Session Status
- Manager Name
- Job Function
- Office Location
- Employee Email
- Manager Email
- Added Date
The Session Status will display one of the following statuses
- Login not sent
Meaning the employee's welcome email has not been sent by the system. This could be due to their direct line manager not having been registered as having completed a training in OpenBlend. - Login sent
Meaning the employee's welcome email has been sent; however, they have not yet started the registration. - Registration in progress
Meaning employee has started the registration process but not yet completed this. - Registration complete
Meaning the employee has completed their registration but not yet had their first session with their manager. - Session X complete
Showing the number of sessions the employee has had with their manager since joining OpenBlend.
Total number of users
This displays the total number of users that you have in OpenBlend.
This shows the proportion of the different generations of your employees within OpenBlend, as stated by the employee during the registration process.
This shows the proportion of the different genders of your employees within OpenBlend, as stated by the employee during the registration process.
This shows the proportion of your employees with and without dependants, as stated by the employee during the registration process.