Data on Demand is OpenBlend’s reporting feature, powered by Microsoft PowerBI. Data on Demand enables you to analyse your business’s live OpenBlend data.


This section of Data on Demand gives you visibility on all the Actions that have been added by employees and managers in OpenBlend.

Actions Usage Stats

This section gives you an overall usage summary within the timeframe set. You can see:

  • Total Actions added

  • Employees with Actions
    The total number of employees who have added an Action in OpenBlend.

  • % of total employees
    The percentage of employees in OpenBlend which have created an Action in the timeframe set.

  • Average Actions added per employee
    Average number of actions added within the timeframe, per employee. Calculated by dividing the total number of actions by the 'Employees with Actions'. 

  • Average Actions added per session
    Average number of actions added in a session within the timeframe, per session. Calculated by dividing the total number of actions by the total number of sessions in the timeframe selected. 
    For example, 52% of employees or 494 employees added an action in 2021, totalling 5,231 Actions added. Averaging 10.6 per employee and 4.41 added in a session. 

Actions by Status

A bar chart showing the number of Actions created by the status

  • Completed
  • Open
  • Ongoing

Actions by Due Date

A donut chart showing the number of Actions created with or without a due date. 

  • Open-ended
    Meaning no due date was set

  • Time-bound
    Meaning a due date was set

Actions by Owner

A donut chart showing the number of Actions created by the owner. 

  • Employee
  • Manager
  • Employee & Manager

Actions by Type

A donut chart showing the number of Actions created by the type. 

  • Objectives
  • Blend
  • General
  • Wellbeing
  • Other

Average age of Actions (days)

The average age that Actions are left open. Calculated by dividing the number of days an action is left open for and the 'Total Actions added'. 

Average set timeframe (days)

The average timeframe that Actions are set for. Calculated by dividing the number of days an action has between the day it was created and the day it was set to be due by the number of Actions added', regardless of the status. 

Average time to complete (days)

The average time to complete an Action. Calculated by dividing the number of days it takes to complete an Action by the total Actions that have been marked as Complete. 

Action by Type, per Job Function, Manager, Employee

Review the types of actions added by Job Function, Manager and Employee. The number in the table relates to the number of Actions created in the time period selected. 

In this view you are able to drill down into the data, to view the data by job functions, managers or manager and employees. Learn more about drilling into your data here.