Data on Demand is OpenBlend’s reporting feature, powered by Microsoft PowerBI. Data on Demand enables you to analyse your business’s live OpenBlend data.

Open Objectives

This section of Data on Demand gives you visibility on employees with Open Objectives and further insight into the Open Objectives about these.

Please note: The data filter on this report, will filter the Objectives by 'Created Date' and not the period for which the Objective is currently open. 

Open Objectives

This section provides overall insight into your open Objectives in OpenBlend. 

  • Open Objectives
    The total number of open Objectives created within the timeframe selected 
    For example, 72 Objectives have been created by employees since December 2021 and are currently open. 
  • Employees with Open Objectives
    The total number of employees who have open Objectives that were created within the timeframe selected
    For example, 16 employees have an Objective open which was created since December 2021. 
  • % of all employees
    The percentage of employees who have open Objectives that were created within the timeframe selected
    For example, 52% employees have an Objective open which was created since December 2021.
  • Average Open Objectives per employee
    Based on the total Open Objectives created during the timeframe and the number of employees who have open Objectives, created within the timeframe, this data shows you the average number of Open Objectives per employee. 
    For example, on average, employees have 4.5 open Objectives each, that were created within the timeframe selected.
  • Average set timeframe (months)
    Based on the total Open Objectives created during the timeframe, looking at the total number of months between the start date and due date, and calculating the average number of months per open Objective.
    For example, the average goal timeframe for the open Objectives created since December 2021 is 4.2 months.
  • Average age (months)
    Looking at the total number of months between the start date and the date it was closed out, and calculating the average number of months per Objective. This is based on the total Objectives created and closed out, within the timeframe selected. 
    For example, the average number of months for employees to reach target for the Objectives since December 2021 is 1.2 months.

Tagged Open Objectives

Here you will see a bar graph displaying the number of open Objectives which have been tagged to your Objective Tags.
For example, 3 open Objectives have been tagged to "Development"

Status (Set by employees)

This donut chart displays the number of open Objectives and their progress status which is set by the employee on their Objective, these are 'On-tack' or 'Behind schedule'.
For example, 72 open Objectives are set to on-track, which is 100% of the open Objectives. 

Overdue (due date passed)

This section displays the number of open Objectives which are past their due date, and therefore overdue. 

Open Objectives Updated

This bar chart displays the number of Objectives that have been updated over time. 

In this section can drill up and down in the bar chart data formats to view the data by by:

  • Years
  • Quarters
  • Months
  • Days

Learn more about drilling into the data here.

Open Objective Detail by Job Function, Manager, Employee

This table shows: 

  • Job Function
  • Number Open Objectives
  • Average Age
  • Average Goal Timeframe (months)
  • Last Created
  • Last Updated
  • Last Discussed with GROW

In this view you are able to drill down into the data, to view the data by job functions, managers or manager and employees. Learn more about drilling into your data here.

If the data is blank, this means that the job function, manager's team or employee does not have any open Objectives.

Open Objectives Clicked through to Discuss (GROW)

This bar chart displays the number of open Objectives that have been discussed in a session using the GROW coaching stages, over time.

In this section can drill up and down in the bar chart data formats to view the data by by:

  • Years
  • Quarters
  • Months
  • Days

Learn more about drilling into the data here.

Select Tag

This drop down allows you to select specific Objective Tags, so that you can look at the defined data. You can select multiple Tags at a time from this dropdown. 

Top Tip! If you are asking your employees to create their KPI/OKRs in OpenBlend, this is great for keeping track on Objectives created for KPIs/OKRs in OpenBlend. You will then be able to see the number of employees who have created Objectives for KPIs/OKRs, as long as they have been tagged correctly. 

Please note: Objective Tags are set-up by your OpenBlend Admins within the Admin area. You can learn more about Objective Tags here.