Our next release, is planned for release on Thursday 17th March and planned to be released to Demo on Thursday 10th March.
Improved Notifications
This release is focused on improving notifications to encourage users to book OpenBlend sessions. You can learn more about what's included in the release below.
Objective and Actions Due
If the user does not have a session booked in the next 28 days and they have an Objective or Action due in the next 48 hours they will receive a notification. This is to encourage them to book a session to review the Objective or Action.
Blend Update Notification Enhancement
Similarly, if a user makes changes to their profile (Actions/Blend update/Wellbeing change/Additional talking points), and doesn't have a session booked in the next 28 days, they'll receive a reminder to book a session.
Book a Session - Calendar Integration Banner
For anyone who has not used the calendar@openblend.com address to set up a blend session from Outlook/Gmail (or who does not have a re-occurring session booked), OpenBlend will now display a banner to remind users to book a session with details of the calendar integration.
The banner reads:
"Did you know?
You can book sessions from your favourite calendar application simply by inviting uat-calendar@openblend.com as well as your manager or team member. Once the invitation is sent, the booking will also appear on your Session Calendar!"
You can learn more about booking sessions from your calendar in our Book Re-occurring One-to-Ones article
Our Notifications preferences article explains how users can update their preferences for notifications, including which notifications to receive and through what channel, if you have the Microsoft Teams or Slack notifications integration.
Milestones will now be available as a metric type by default for all users when creating an Objective.
Other Changes
Talking Points
Additional Talking Points can now optionally be linked to specific areas of OpenBlend, such as Blend Drivers, Objectives and Wellbeing. This gives additional context the Talking Point.
The link will then also be displayed below the Talking Point title.