OpenBlend offers a few options on for how you can send the welcome emails to your employees and managers. 

You can either manage the roll-out and registrations as your managers attend their training, have OpenBlend automatically send out the welcome emails as users are created, or you can manage the sends of the welcome emails manually. 

This article walks you through the process of sending out the welcome emails manually.

Navigate to the Welcome Emails section


  1. Navigate to Company Settings
  2. Click on 'When to send log-in emails' sub-tab
  3. Click on the "Invite users to log-in and register" button

Send the Welcome Emails

Once you have navigated to the area to send the welcome emails, you have a couple of options. 

By Job Function or Office Location

You have the option of bulk-selecting any applicable employees by Job Function or Office Location. By clicking on "Select Users" in the relevant section, OpenBlend will then select all the associated users. At this stage, you can select multiple Job Functions or Office Locations. 

Employee Name & Email

Alternatively, you can select an employees manually, by clicking on their names. 

Deselecting an Employee

To deselect an employee, simply click back on their name and the highlighted section will disappear. 

Once you have selected all the users you would like to send the email to, simply click the "Send X log-in email" button. 

Already Logged In?

You also have the option of marking users has having been invited to OpenBlend externally, removing them from this list. 

Simply select the employees and then click the "Mark X user as invited to use OpenBlend" button.