You'll learn how OpenBlend's built-in coaching frameworks that help you have great one-to-one conversations with your manager.

Coaching with GROW

The GROW Model, is a simple yet powerful framework that helps you make better decisions, solve problems, learn new skills, and otherwise progress your career. 

A good way of thinking about the GROW Model is to think about how you'd plan a journey you are about to take. First, you decide where you are going (the Goal), then you establish where you currently are (your current Reality) and before setting off you then explore various routes (the Options) to your destination. In the final step, you then establish the Way Forward.

Goal It is important that your goal is clear. The first time your goal is discussed, the majority of the conversation may be spent on this part. 

What, exactly, is the goal? What will it take to achieve it? What will it mean if it is achieved? How will it feel?

Reality What is your current reality, in comparison to your goal? Depending on the goal, this could be very subjective. 

Does how you perceive your reality match with how others may see things? How much progress has been already made? What are the obstacles? 

Options Discussing the different Options available to you, will allow for some great conversation with your manager or with your employees. 

What are possibilities and alternatives? What support is available? Get creative!

Way Forward Agreeing to take a course of action is the key to success! 

Who will do what, by when?

Exercise: Give GROW a go...


In this exercise, you can try the GROW Model yourself, in a self-coaching mindset. 

Before you begin, reflect on the points below and then play the video below to work through the silent GROW exercise. 


We recommend that you get a paper and pen for this exercise to note down your answers to each of the questions.

  1. Think of a goal they have for themselves
  2. Mark your level of completion on this and where you would like it to be
  3. Press play on the video below.

Using GROW in OpenBlend

The GROW framework and coaching mindset is interwoven into OpenBlend's session mode in a number of different ways. You will find the GROW Model when discussing Talking Points, such as Objectives and Blend, during a session and you can also find the GROW Model in the self-coaching section of Objectives, outside of a session.  

In keeping with the aims of the GROW Method, OpenBlend supports you to set Actions as part of your Way forward.

An example is shown below.

When you are ready, progress to the next section to learn about the some of the different features in OpenBlend, starting with Blend. 
Next Section: Using Blend to talk about your motivations