This product release is aimed at improving your experience before and during your one-to-one session, in OpenBlend.
These updates are aimed to be deployed to demo on Tuesday 7th June 2022.
The target release date for this release is Thursday 9th June 2022.
Agenda Items / Talking Points Updates
NEW! Recurring Agenda Items/Talking Points
We now have an option to set Agenda Items/Talking Points as recurring, this means that you can discuss the item in each session, without having to add the card back to your next session.
All types of Agenda Items/Talking Points are able to be set as recurring.
To set an Agenda Item/Talking Point as recurring, simply click on the icon on the top right hand corner of the card, as highlighted in the screenshot below.
- When the icon is showing in blue, this means that it is a recurring Agenda Item/Talking Point.
- When the icon is showing in grey, this means that it is a one-off Agenda Item/Talking Point.
Previous Session Card
The Previous Session card has been updated with both visually and functionally, to include:
- A whole new look!
- You can now add previously discussed items to your next or current session using the + icon on the right-hand-side.
- Objectives previously discussed will display the status and due date. The Due Date will show in red, if the due date is in the past.
For example, see "Objective - Encourage staff training".
- Any Actions that are added during session are counted as discussed items and automatically added to the previous session card.
- Any recurring items are marked with the recurring icon.
For example, see "Need to change my schedule" item in the screenshot below.
Objectives Agenda Items/Talking Points
There have been a few updates to the Agenda Items/Talking Points for Objectives.
- Objectives are now automatically added to your Agenda when updated by either talent or manager
- Any progress updates to an objective will be shown on the Agenda Item/Talking Point card, with a last updated date.
- Newly added objectives are automatically added to Agenda Items.
Wellbeing Agenda Items/Talking Points
If you discuss your Wellbeing in a session, without having a pre-selected Agenda Item/Talking Point (eg. navigating to Wellbeing from the left hand navigation), OpenBlend will automatically log this as a discussed item.
API End Points
Actions and Objectives data points are now available through the API.
Please note, enabling the API changes a few things which appear in OpenBlend to let users know about the Privacy and Data Policy, this consists of banners, text on the login and landing page, etc.
Interested in learning more? Please contact with your Customer Success Manager, for more information. If you are unsure who your CSM is, please feel free to get in touch with our Support team: helpdesk@openblend.com If you have already purchased the API Licence, your Customer Success Manager will be in touch to arrange providing you with your API key.
Other Items
Connections sessions can now be conducted with managers who are recorded as not having gone through training in the admin area.
Timezones Automatically Set
A users timezone is now set automatically based on their browser during registration.