Data on Demand is OpenBlend’s reporting feature, powered by Microsoft PowerBI. Data on Demand enables you to analyse your business’s live OpenBlend data.
Getting Started
Progress Bars
The below data points, allow you to keep track and ensure your roll-out and user onboarding is happening.
Colour Key:
- % of users who have completed their registration, answering the 5 questions within the registration pages.
Data point: Registration completed
- % of users who have completed their initial Blend set-up, by selecting and rating their Blend Drivers.
Data point: Blend set-up
- % of users who have completed their initial Wellbeing set-up, by rating their happiness, confidence and capability to manage stress for the first time.
Data point: Wellbeing set-up
- % of users who have completed their first session, with their manager.
Data point: First session completed
- % of users who have a future booked session, with their manager.
Data point: Future session booked
- % of users who have a recurring session cadence booked in, with their manager, of any frequency.
Data point: Recurring session completed
- % of future booked session, by type (either one-off or recurring).
Data point: Future booking by type
Detailed Data Table
The data table, contains the following data points per employee, currently active in the system.
- Employee Name
- Added Date
- Registration Completed
- Blend Set-up
- Wellbeing Set-up
- First Session Completed
- Future Session Booked
- Recurring Session Booked
The following data points are also accessible when exporting the data.
- Employee Email
- Job Function
- Office Location
- Manager Name
- Manager Email Address
Exporting the Data Table
You can learn more about exporting data from within Data on Demand here.
Filtering the Data Table
You can filter by Job Function, Office Location, Manager Name or one of your custom groupings, as usual within Data on Demand. However, you are also able to filter the table by clicking on each of the progress bars, to filter to the employees applicable to the section you make.
You can learn more about filtering data within Data on Demand here.
Help Guides
Help guides and prompts are available on each data point, hover on the "?" to find out more about each.