This knowledgebase article explains the use of the OpenBlend Pause function for users and guides you through how you can set a user to Paused. 


The Pause status supports you to temporarily suspend a user account for particular users on long-term-leave. Pausing a user will mean that reminder notifications and other functions will pause whilst the user is in this state. Please 


When a user is paused...

  • They will still show in the Team Dashboard (Manager View) in the list of direct reports for their assigned leader, with an ‘paused’ pill but will be excluded from any stats in the Team Dashboard.
  • The user cannot be added to an Evaluate cycle.
  • The user cannot be selected as a recipient of or responder for feedback requests, nor can they receive high-fives.
  • If a paused user tries to log in they will see: “Your OpenBlend account has been paused.”
  • If a paused user is logged before being paused, when they try to navigate to another page they are logged out as expected.


As an Admin


…within User Information

  • Paused users will not be counted in the talent or leader user counts in the Admin area of OpenBlend.
  • Paused users will show as ‘Paused’ in the Login Sent Status column.
  • The ‘Filter by role’ dropdown now has an option to view ‘Paused’ users, which also shows the count of paused users.


…within Usage

  • Paused users will show “User is paused” in the Session Status column.
  • The ‘Session status filters’ dropdown now has an option to view ‘Paused’ users, which also shows the count of paused users.


In Data on Demand

  • Paused users are removed from your reporting, to avoid any discrepancies with reporting on usage. 



Pausing a User

The paused status is set in the user's profile, within the User Information section of your Admin portal.

Watch this short video below to see how to this.

Once the user returns from their long term leave, you can then un-pause them by following the same steps, but setting the user back to 'Active'. Then they will be able to log in as before and all their data will be exactly as they left it. 



Do you have a User Sync Integration? You can embed the Paused function within your sync to automatically manage pausing and unpausing users with your usual sync. If you would like to learn more, please get in touch with your Customer Success Manager.