Evaluate is a simple yet highly supportive and effective way of evaluating performance at certain periods throughout the year; for both a manager and an employee. 

Evaluate Process Overview


Evaluate in OpenBlend is a three stage process, consisting of an employee self-evaluation, manager evaluation and a discussion between the employee and the manager, as shown in the above process flow-chart. 


At OpenBlend we recommend that the manager's allow their employee(s) to complete their self-evaluation before they complete their manager evaluation, as then they will get to review the employee's commments before submitting their manager review before the discussion. 


Please note, that Evaluate does not auto-save comments as you type, so you should use the "Save as draft" button before navigating away from the Evaluate page. 



Step-by-Step Process

1. Employee completes their self-evaluation


Employees can access Evaluate from the email notifications you recieve or using the "Evaluate" option in the left-hand side navigation within "My Profile" section of OpenBlend.


Whilst completing your self-evaluation, you can use the "Save as draft" button to come back to complete the review at a later date. 


Once finalised use the "Send to manager" button to submit your self-evaluation.


Your manager will then be notified by OpenBlend that you have completed your self-evaluation. 


Learn more about completing your self-evaluation in our how-to guide here


2. Manager completes the manager evaluation


Managers can access Evaluate from the email notifications you recieve or using the "Evaluate" option in the left-hand side navigation within "My Team" section of OpenBlend. 

To complete a review for an employee, please click on the employee's name within the "My Status" flow chart. 


Whilst completing your manager evaluation, you can use the "Save as draft" button to come back to complete the review at a later date. 


Once finalised use the "Submit" button to submit your manager evaluation.

Book in a one-to-one with your employee to discuss the review, by including calendar@openblend.com in your calendar invite. 


Your employee will not be able to see your comments until you have discussed the review with them.  


Learn more about completing your manager evaluation in our how-to guide here


3. Discussion of Review with manager and employee


The manager must be the one to click on the "Start 1:1 session" button and share thier screen with the employee. 


Using the OpenBlend discuss journey, go through each question of the review. Notes can be made in the "Additional Comments" section and you can "Add a new Action" as you discuss the review. 


Once you have finished the discussion, click on the "Mark discussed" button, before ending the session. 


Please note, that the employee will not be able to see the manager comments in thier profile until the manager has clicked the "Mark Discussed" button.


Learn more about discussing Evaluate in our how-to guide here.



Evaluate Notifications

OpenBlend will automatically send out reminder emails to both the manager and employee if they have not completed their reviews in Evaluate. The timings of these are defined below. 

  • 1 week before the due date
  • On the due date
  • 1 week before the end date
  • On the end date


Managers will also recieve a notification once the employee has completed their self-evalution.