
This product release is aimed at improving the general user experience of OpenBlend, from the user feedback sessions our Product Team ran in 2022, with lots of new and exciting features. 

The target release date for this release is Monday 23rd January 2023

NEW Features

NEW! OpenBlend Profile Pictures

You can now set their own profile photo!


Using the initials menu in the top right-hand side, users can select "Change Profile Picture" and upload an avatar that will appear in various places around OpenBlend next to that user’s name. 



NEW! High Five Reactions

You can now react to High Fives with emojis!


User can react to any High Five with one of four emojis: thumbs up, smile, heart, or heart smile.


There is a new notification option for this, and users with this turned on will recieve an instant messaging notification about the reaction on their chosen platform.



The reactions are then sent back to the sender via your instant message integration. 




NEW! Alternative Login Username

Do you have any employees who do not have a corporate email address, but would like access to OpenBlend without using their personal email address? 

We have updated our login functionality to allow users to set a separate log-in username to their email address to which will be delivered email notifications like Session invitations, reminders, and Talent updates.


Please speak to your Customer Success Manager if you have any questions or if you would like to learn more about this new feature. Alternatively, you can always contact our Helpdesk team via email using helpdesk@openblend.com 

General Updates

OpenBlend Side Navigation

The My Profile side navigation has been broken down into sections to do with sessions and all the tools we provide to facilitate performance:


Section 1 contains:

  • Summary
  • Agenda (previously Agenda Items or Talking Points)
  • Session Calendar
  • Activity Feed


Section 2 is called Tools and contains everything else like Actions, Objectives, Blend/Wellbeing, High Fives, and Feedback.


This is the only section to change; My Team and Admin navigation has remained as before.




Manager Notifications

Managers can now choose to recieve a notification about any High Fives their talent receives. This can be selected from the Notification Preferences within your initials menu. You can learn more about OpenBlend notifications here.



Activity Feed

The activity feed can now be filtered by Blend, Wellbeing, Notes, Session, or any combination of those.




Feedback requests can now accept full formatting, links and copy/pasted content.


Please note, release dates are subject to change, but the OpenBlend team will always ensure that the release notes are kept up to date.