OpenBlend's Admin Reporting Dashboard is designed to give you a high level overview of your organisation's usage, giving you the insights you need to drive adoption through keeping a track on usage and identifying trends. This how-to guide gives you all the information you need to know about the Adoption section of the dashboard.
This section is designed to give you insights into how well OpenBlend is being adopted within your organisation, looking at your employee's onboarding process and your current adoption rate with sessions.
The percentages within this data is based on your current user numbers, which you can see in the section above. Any leavers are not included in this data.
This section gives you data points for:
- Understanding the Data - Registration
- Understanding the Data - First Session
- Understanding the Data - Sessions
Understanding the Data - Registration
This shows you the percentage of your employees who have completed the registration process in OpenBlend.
Be data-driven: What action can you take?
When launching OpenBlend, it is key to keep the communication and messaging going, helping to keep it at the forefront of mind. We recommend that you send out reminders to employees who have not yet registered.
You can use the export to filter the data to get the list of employees that you need to send the reminder to.
Exporting & Filtering the Data
- Use the "View/Export Data" to export the data by user.
- Filter the "Is registered?" column to 'no' responses
You can then copy the email addresses and paste these into your email to send out an email to anyone who has not registered registered yet.
Learn more about exporting the data here.
Understanding the Data - First Session
The second part to onbaording into OpenBlend is completing your first session, this section shows you the percentage of employees who have either had their first session in OpenBlend, or have it booked in.
Please note, the manager or employee will need to have clicked on the 'Start 1:1 Session" button for the session to be logged as completed. You can book sessions with OpenBlend in the platform or by including into your meeting calendar invite.
Be data-driven: What action can you take?
When launching OpenBlend, it is key to keep the communication and messaging going, helping to keep it at the forefront of mind. We recommend that you send out reminders to employees who have not yet had/booked in their first session.
In your reminders, you can advertise the ease adding OpenBlend to any existing one-to-one meeting invites, simply by adding to the participants in the invite.
You can use the export to filter the data to get the list of employees that you need to send the reminder to.
Exporting & Filtering the Data
- Use the "View/Export Data" to export the data by user.
- Filter the "Days since last session" column to 'n/a' responses
- Filter the "Has future session booked?" column to 'no' responses
You can then copy the email addresses and paste these into your email to send out an email to anyone who has not had or booked in their first session yet.
Learn more about exporting the data here.
Understanding the Data - Sessions
Unlike the first two data points in this section, this data gives you insight into your current adoption rates, not only looking at first time use, but regular use across all of your employees.
This data gives you insight into the percentage of employees who have had a session in the last 3 months, or have one booked within the next 3 months.
Please note, the manager or employee will need to have clicked on the 'Start 1:1 Session" button for the session to be logged as completed. You can book sessions with OpenBlend in the platform or by including into your meeting calendar invite.
Be data-driven: What action can you take?
As with the section above, the best thing you can do is to send out reminders to anyone who has not got a session booked in the future.
You can use the export to filter the data to get the list of employees that you need to send the reminder to.
Exporting & Filtering the Data
- Use the "View/Export Data" to export the data by user
- Filter the "Has future session booked?" column to 'no' responses
You can then copy the email addresses and paste these into your email to send out an email to anyone who has not had or booked in their first session yet.
Learn more about exporting the data here.