
This release is focused on improvements to our notes feature. Take a look at what's to come below 


  • The demo release date will be 23rd August  
  • The planned release date to all users will be 1st September  


NEW! Introducing Notepad

Notepad enables managers and talent to make private notes, capture thoughts, write reminders and turn notes into agenda items and additional 1:1s. Notepad can be accessed in the left-hand navigation bar and is accessible from any page.  


When in a 1:1 session, Notepad will not be visible, you will see the standard notes feature which is not private. 


When clicking on the new Notepad icon in the left-hand navigation, all users will see a section for their own private notes.  


For managers with direct reports, they will not only be able to make private notes for themselves, but also select a direct reports name to jot down private notes related to them. For managers with direct reports, Notes made related to an individual you manage will be displayed in in two types of entry, and will be grouped by date: 

  1. Private notes you’ve written regarding that individual 
  2. Additional 1:1s that you conducted with them outside of the OpenBlend platform that you’d still like to record 

1) Private notes: 


These are only visible to youWhen using private notes, all users will have the option to Deleteadd them to an Agendaor log them as an Additional 1:1. 


  • The ‘Add to Agenda’ will add your private note to the agenda of your next 1:1.  
  • Editing the Note after it’s been added as an Agenda Item will not update the corresponding Agenda item, it will only be edited in your private notes  
  • Deleting thnote will also not delete the Agenda Item 
  • Log as Additional 1:1 will convert your note to a completed 1:1.  


2) Additional 1:1s 


All users can directly log notes they’ve made as an additional 1:1. This is used for any notes or sessions that you conducted with your manager or direct reports outside of the OpenBlend platform that you’d still like to record in the app.  

When you click into the text typing box, you will have the option to directly log the text as an additional 1:1. When saved, they will show as a regular 1:1 but with a purple side border instead of blue. 


  • You will be able to edit or delete your Additional 1:1 notes post for up to 2 hours after it is created. After that the Delete button will disappear.

When an Additional 1:1 is created, a session sentiment email is sent to the other “participant” of this 1:110-15 minutes after it is created. 


When an Additional 1:1 is edited, a separate notification is sent 10-15 minutes after the edit is submitted to the other participant letting them know about the edit. 

Other Changes

With every release we work hard to make ongoing improvements to other features of OpenBlend, in line with our work on Notepad, we have made the following platform updates:  

  • Th‘+Add New dropdown button in the top bar will now only appear in session, this is to reduce the number of steps it takes to add an action, note, objective or agenda item. All of which can be accessed in the left-hand navigation menu.  
  • When a manager clicks to view the details of an objective of one of their direct reports from somewhere other than My Team, they will see the details of that objective from within My Team. 
  • Activity feeds can now be filtered by Actions items.