
This release focuses on how users will be introduced to their next module, as configured by you within OpenBlend. The aim of this release is to add further support to the employee journey, by directing your employees towards your next chosen module on completion of any outstanding tasks relating to the module before it.   

  • The demo release date will be Wednesday 22nd November 2023.  

  • The planned live release date will be Thursday 30th November 2023. 

NEW! Module Tour Guidance   

As part of our work to continue to support users through their OpenBlend experience, we have introduced a series of pop ups within OpenBlend to encourage your users to check out and take action with their next module  


In this example, Motivators is the primary module, and Wellbeing is the secondary module: 


  • A talent completes their registration to OpenBlend. 
  • A primary system action is created to prompt your talent to set up their motivators.  
  • Once a talent has completed a system action for the first of your configured OpenBlend modules, they will immediately get a modal pop-up letting them know that their next module is available for them to have a look at. There are buttons to dismiss this pop-up or take them straight to the second module. 
  • A new system action is created to prompt them to take action relating to their next module. 

For users who complete their first 1:1 conversation with their manager, when the 1:1 is complete, this is what they will see:  



If the talent was not logged into OpenBlend during their first session, and their manager was logged in and sharing their screen for the conversation, this modal will appear the next time the talent logs into OpenBlend (after 5 minutes of their first 1:1 ending and within 1 month of their first 1:1 ending), prompting them to check out the next module, Wellbeing.  


For users who have already had their first conversation, if your first configured module is Wellbeing, once users have set up their Wellbeing, a pop-up will appear to encourage users to check out and complete a system action relating to the next module you have set, which could be Motivators, Develop or Objectives.