Looking to know a bit more about our new Lightbulb Module which is coming at the beginning of March?
We are kicking off our In It Together Webinar Series with the launch of our new module, Lightbulb!
OpenBlend is on a mission to help our customers level-up manager capability, confidence and comfort, so no matter what the experience level, they will feel enabled to have high quality conversations. Likewise with your talent, providing them with an understanding of how they can contribute to these conversations is critical to getting the best from their1:1's.
Lightbulb will help coach managers and talent through all the different types of conversations currently supported in OpenBlend. It has been created to assist them when they need it most, in-the moment, with the help of bite-sized learning embedded within OpenBlend.
We can't wait to show you how using OpenBlend to manage your 1:1's will now improve manager and talent capability at the same time.
Here is the recording of Anna taking you through the need to knows about Lightbulb: