This next release includes enhancements to several OpenBlend modules, including Develop, Lightbulb and EvaluateHighlights include the introduction of new feature to support you in raising awareness and driving engagement around our new module, Lightbulb. We have also made considerable enhancements to our reporting capabilities, enabling you to report and export data more effectively.  


  • The demo release date for this update will be 20th March 2024.  

  • The planned release date to live for this update is 2nd April 2024.  


NEW! Develop  

  • You will now be able to edit a custom competency. 
  • We have introduced two new system actions within our Develop module 
    • The first prompt is for team members to begin their discovery phase when their manager has added Develop as an item to their 1:1 agenda. 
    • The second prompt reminds your team members to complete their discovery prior to their upcoming 1:1. 

NEW! Lightbulb 

  • We have introduced a new ‘Prepare for your 1:1 email to support OpenBlend users when preparing for their upcoming 1:1 conversations. This email will be sent on two occasions; 24 hours and 20 minutes before a scheduled 1:1, and will include:    
    • a link to Motivators and/or Wellbeing in OpenBlend (if the user has not updated these in that last 30 days). 
    • a link to bitesize, Lightbulb video content (based on the items on the Agenda for the next 1:1) that will help support the individual to prepare for their upcoming conversation, e.g. how to use the GROW framework in objective-setting conversations.  
  • Reporting and the ability to export the report data to a CSV/excel sheet: 

                     1. Manager Coaching Guides: 

  • This will show the % of managers who have watched a manager coaching guide  
  • This will also show % watched per guide 

                   2. Talent Coaching Guides 

  • This will show the % of users who have watched a Talent coaching guide  
  • This will also show % watched per guide 

Admins who have permission to access the reporting page can view and export Lightbulb reporting as detailed below. There ian option in the top right hand of the Lightbulb reporting panel that says, ‘Export Data’.  


NEW! Evaluate 

  • Any Evaluate cycles can now be exported to CSV by Admins (previously this was only available to Reviewers). 

Other work:  

  • OpenBlend users who change their password will now receive an email and a Teams notification (where applicable) to confirm the changes. See below for an example of the email. 


  • Managers can now export their Team Insights page to PDF. The option (highlighted below) will open a new window in your browser. Here the user can ‘export’ to PDF and save locally.  
    • The option respects the filter (7 days, 30 days, 90 days) elected by you. 


  • Master Admins can now receive a download of the number of users within a company by month. This value looks at the last day of each month and is available for the entire duration of a company's history in OpenBlend.  

  1. 1. Select a Company (view a company button) 

  1. 2. Select 'Employees 

  1. 3. Select ‘Export User counts by month’  

  1. 4. File is downloaded 





  • Master Admins can now receive a download of a zipped batch exporcontaining the individuaJson files of each user.  
  1. 1. Select a Company (view a company button) 

  1. 2. Select 'Employees 

  1. 3. Select ‘Export all user data’  

  1. 4. File is downloaded 


  • OpenBlend Admins now have the ability to print a user's Activity Feed. You can access this by: User Information > Print button (highlighted in the image below)  

  • Admin users with access to the reporting Page will now have access to a ‘Print’ option that will allow then to save the report as a PDF .