Caravan and Motorhome Club
Caravan and Motorhome Club is a membership organisation that helps caravanners, motorhomers, and campers to access more than 160 scenic locations across the UK, as well as thousands of affiliated campsites in Europe.
We recently sat down with HR Advisor, Lucy Carter, to talk about the Caravan and Motorhome Club’s transition to regular 1:1 conversations, and find out how - four years on - OpenBlend is helping their employees to thrive at work.
One resounding piece of feedback that came out of our user group event in London last month, was that our customers would love more opportunities to connect with each other.
Whilst we will continue to plan other, in-person events throughout the calendar year, we would love to invite you to share your thoughts about an online community for OpenBlend customers.
This short survey will take no more than a couple of minutes to complete and we would really appreciate your insight.
Earlier this month, we launched episode 5 of our Conversations that Matter podcast series. Throughout this series, we share the opinions and experiences of individuals who deeply believe in the power of conversation.
Anna Rasmussen sat down with Aaron Alburey, CEO and Founder of LACE Partners, to reflect on how HR tech has evolved over the last 10 years, and the relationship of balance between human conversations and technology to drive long-lasting, people performance.
40 minute listen
As a small organisation, your recommendations and reviews are incredibly valuable to us. There are a couple of ways you can do this, which should take no more than a few moments of your time.
G2 is a business software and services review site where customers can leave reviews to help prospective buyers make more informed decisions when choosing new software. Leaving a review should take no more than 10 minutes of your time, and we’d be so grateful for your input and perspective.
If you know someone who could benefit from modernising their performance management with coaching-led conversations, then please take a few moments to submit their information. To thank you, we will reward you with £200 when they become a customer of OpenBlend.