Evaluate offers a dynamic framework that empowers growth by fostering real-time self-reflection and actionable feedback, seamlessly driving performance with measurable impact and manager alignment.

We have introduced several improvements to our Evaluate module to ensure we are continuing to support effective manager and employee conversations.

  • The demo release date for this update is 29th November 2024.
  • The planned release date to live for this update is 2nd December 2024

NEW! Evaluate updates: Admin

1. Terminology

As an Admin, one of the first changes you’ll notice with Evaluate is a change of wording to some of the setup sections within the tool. ‘Forms’ were previously known as ‘Evaluate Templates’ and ‘Evaluations’ were previously known as ‘Evaluate Cycles’. 

2. Setting up an Evaluation

When setting up an Evaluation, you can now create a new form (previously referred to as review template) or customise an existing one without leaving the Evaluation set-up process. 

Creating a new form:

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated




Customise an existing form:

3. Duplicating Evaluations:

Evaluations in OpenBlend can now be duplicated, making it easier to set up new Evaluations using existing formats.

4. Delegating Evaluations

Admins and Managers will now be able to delegate the tasks of performing an Evaluation and/or the discussion of an evaluation in a 1:1. The tasks can be delegated to more than one individual. By default, only Admincan delegate these tasks to anyone within the organisation. These settings can be changed at a company level – please speak to your Customer Success Manager to action.

Please note: Only Admins who have existing Evaluate permissions will be able to delegate Evaluations. 

Other Evaluate updates:

  • View / Export is now a separate button on the Summary page
  • If an Evaluation includes an overall score, this score is shown as a column on the Summary page
  • Comment entry fields now expand vertically as you type into them

NEW! Evaluate updates: Managers


One of the new updates for Evaluate also applies to how Managers will access any outstanding tasks for an Open Cycle. We’ve created a new menu item in the left-hand navigation panel specifically for the Evaluate module.

From the new menu, a manager is able to quickly identify what tasks they have that relate to their own self-evaluations (For Myself) and which tasks relate to the Manager Evaluations for their direct reports (For Others)


There are also now two new menus for the Manager to track the progress of required reviews in any Open Cycle.

From here they can quickly access the Evaluations that they need to complete for their Direct Reports as their manager by clicking on the users under the ’My Evaluations’ menu. If they want to review only the Self Evaluation for their Direct Reports they should click in the user under the ’My Team’s Self-Evaluations’. A manager should only click on the Self Evaluation for the user if it shows as ’Completed’.

How to guides

We have created some useful how-to guides for talent and managers to support them as they complete their evaluations.