Feedback is an optional feature; your business may not have it switched on.
Feedback can be requested in or outside of a session.
Note: Request feedback at any time, to gain insights into areas of success as well as detect where support is needed.
By simply clicking on Request Feedback you have the opportunity to request specific Feedback by giving your Feedback a title and if more context is required you have the option to include further Feedback details.
Our approach to Feedback is simply. By requesting Feedback you are encouraging more conversations between you and your peers whilst sharing constructive Feedback that can drive motivation and strengthen trust through openness.
When requesting Feedback you will be asked to the complete the following fields:
- Summary - short summary of your Feedback (up-to 100 characters)
- Details (optional) - more in-depth context to receive more relevant Feedback (up-to 1024 characters)
- Due Date - Feedback due date, respondent will receive a reminder 72 hours before your due date
- Respondents - requested respondents (Feedback is not anonymous)
Request Feedback on Yourself
You have the option to request Feedback on yourself. This enables you to identify areas that you would like to review to drive self-development and motivation.
1. Go to My Profile once logged in to OpenBlend
2. Navigate to Feedback from the side menu or from your Feedback section on your Summary Page
3. Click Request Feedback
4. Complete a short summary of your Feedback - add further details if required to add more context to your Feedback
5. Set your Due date for receiving the Feedback
6. Select the respondents you would like to to request Feedback from by simply clicking their name. You and your manager are automatically selected. Click to remove them, if necessary
7. Read through the summary of your Feedback request and click Send Request (or Cancel to make changes)
Note: You can search specific Feedback by including sender's name or the title of your chosen Feedback.
Request Feedback of Your Team - Manager's View
Manager's are able to view their Team's Feedback by clicking on view team dashboard and navigating to Feedback. In this area you are able to view all Feedback associated to your team. This is also a great opportunity to view any outstanding Feedback that is due or overdue to ensure this is not missed by the Manager.
1. Go to Team Dashboard
2. Navigate to Feedback from the side menu
3. You can view all your Team Members Feedback
4. Click Request Feedback for the member you want to request Feedback on
5. Complete a short summary of your Feedback - add further details if required to add more context to your Feedback
6. Set your Due date for receiving the feedback. Ensure you allow enough time for your peers to respond.
7. Select the respondents you would like to to request Feedback from by simply clicking their name. You and the employee are automatically selected. Click to remove them, if necessary
8. Read through the summary of your Feedback request and click Send request (or Cancel to make changes).
Note: By clicking on the team members name you are able to view all Feedback requested and responded from that member.
What happens next?
Respondents will see an alert on the Welcome Screen of OpenBlend. They'll also receive an email notification once the Feedback has been requested, including a Feedback reminder email 72 hours before the due date.
Your Feedback responses will become visible, once sent and will be able to view by clicking on view. An email will be sent to requestor as soon as respondent has sent the Feedback to alert them of this action.
Updates will also be visible next to Feedback within your OpenBlend Profile to inform you of any new Feedback requests or outstanding Feedback that is due.
Requesting Feedback encourages ongoing learning and continuous improvement through building awareness