Objectives is a customisable feature; your business may have called it something else (e.g. Priorities, Goals)
Working on Objectives collaboratively during sessions enables you to:
1. Agree performance and development Objectives together
2. Use the GROW framework to guide your discussions
3. Build out the Goal - what are you trying to achieve?
4. Answer the capability and motivation questions
5. Use the discussion points to have a focused conversation
6. Add Actions to move forward
How does GROW work with Objectives?
The Objective itself is the Goal, the Reality is where you currently are against its set timeframe. Use the Capability and Motivation Matrix to work out your Options. The Way Forward is creating Actions to enable you to complete your Objective.
Capability & Motivation Matrix
When working out your Options, answer how capable you feel and how motivated you feel to complete the Objective. Your responses will generate suggested discussion points.
Closing Objectives
The Close button for each Objective will be enabled during a session between employee and manager, to facilitate a retrospective discussion about the Objective. Comments can be entered to support this discussion. Your business may have also set a Scoring System for closing Objectives. If so, select the relevant option.
Make sure to always click Begin session to get access to additional features and ensure the session is logged.