Objectives is a customisable feature; your business may have called it something else (e.g. Priorities, Goals). Effective objective-setting is critical to success so that everyone is clear on what performance output is expected.
When Objectives are created it's simple to have regular conversations, update progress and empower people to work independently towards common goals.
Objectives can now be Public, this means these objectives can be seen by more than just you and your Manager.
Note: Admins have visibility of all Objectives regardless of the visibility setting including aligned Private and Public Objectives.
Our objectives feature is designed to provide teams and employees:
- Clarity to bring team, individual skills and inputs to shared goals and objectives remotely
- Empowers individual team members to focus on the how of their work
- Creates focus and the opportunity to track performance objectives across the organisation
There is three types of objectives - Company, Team and Personal Objectives.
You have the opportunity to align Personal Objective and Team Objectives (referred to as a Parent Objective) to a
Company Objective.
If you select to have your objective private this will only be seen by the talent and their assigned Leader.
Team and Company objectives are set as public by default.
Personal objectives are private by default but can now include a public or private status. The objective will be public by default once aligned to a team or company objective therefore visible across the organisation. You have the opportunity to set this to private whilst still being aligned with a company objective.
Private & Public Objectives
Private objectives are visible to the following users:
- Talent (who created the objective)
- Assigned Leader
- Admins
Public objectives are visible once aligned to a team or company objective.
Objectives can now be aligned to other objectives higher up the chain. Personal objectives can be aligned to both Team and Company objectives.
Once you align a personal objective you will notice a new dropdown allowing you to specify the visibility rules for your objective.
The dropdown is set to public by default, which means that your objective will appear in the list of aligned objectives associated with the Team/Company objective.
If you select Private, your objective will still be aligned, but will not appear in those lists or anywhere else that is view-able by users other than your and your direct leader.
Note: When aligning a Personal objective to a Team or Company objective, you will be asked if you would like your objective to be Public or Private.
A personal objective only becomes public when you select a team or company objective to align it with. Any objective aligned with a company objective can be visible across the organisation.
Users that can see team or company objectives, can also see your aligned objective. It is important to set your personal objective to private if you would like this only visible to you and your assigned Leader.
A company objective is an objective set by an Admin for the entire Company.