in this article you'll learn how OpenBlend's High Fives feature, helps you to boost motivation and morale by giving recognition and showing your appreciation for your colleagues and team members.  



High Five Overview


Sending High Fives is a great way to recognise your colleagues and boost motivation and morale in the organisation. 

You can send a High Five to anyone within the business and the High Fives you send can be seen by your colleague's manager and your OpenBlend admins. 

Every High Five you receive is stored in OpenBlend for you, meaning if you are having a down day, you can read through all your High Fives, which is great for self-affirmation, reminding yourself of your worth and the value you bring to the business. 

Using High Fives

Check-out our High Fives how-to article, to learn more about using High Fives.

When you are ready, progress to the next section to learn about the gift of Feedback. 
Next Section: Feedback and Growth Mindset